Club Constitution

Club Constitution

The Club shall:

• Be run on a non-profit making basis

• Encourage people at all levels of sporting ability to take up the game.

• Promote and encourage the game of squash and racketball as defined by the rules of the World Squash Federation [WSF] and its constituent national and regional organisations.

• Protect the interests of members.

• Be managed by a Committee which shall, subject to this Constitution, have powers to conduct all such affairs of the Club as are not required to be done by a General Meeting.

• Promote good relationship with other Societies, Groups, Companies and Bodies capable of assisting in the development or objectives of the Club.

• Affiliate to the England Squash Association and abide by its regulations and standards.

• Strive to attract a balanced membership of members. 

• Provide leagues, competitions, and other activities for the benefit of members

• Enter teams into the Essex Squash league (subject to sufficient club members of the appropriate playing ability wanting to participate).


Membership of the Club is open to all.

Candidates for membership will complete an application form with their name, address and contact details, and tender this with the appropriate membership fee to the membership secretary.

Members of the club shall at all times maintain a high standard of sportsmanship and fair play.

Every member shall be entitled to attend and vote at all General Meetings of the Club.

All Members shall be eligible for election to the Committee.

All members shall have one vote on any motion or ballot put at a General Meeting. 

Any member who no longer wishes to remain a member of the Club should send notice to this effect via email to the committee. No refund of subscription fees will be paid.


The annual subscription fee will be agreed by the members at the AGM and will be payable on a date determined by the committee.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held during the month of November, and will approve the accounts, elect officers and committee members for the ensuing year and consider any other business laid before it.

All nominations for elections to the Committee shall be proposed and seconded by a member able to vote at an AGM, and should be made in writing to a committee member seven days before the meeting. Where there are vacant nominations these may be accepted at the AGM.

Agenda items should reach the committee, in writing, at least 7 days before the meeting. Details of dates, agenda and minutes can be found here.

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

The Committee may call an EGM at any time stating the business and giving at least 28 days’ notice to the membership.

6 members entitled to vote at the EGM can also call an EGM. A letter signed by this group must be lodged with the committee who shall give at least

28 days notice of the EGM to the membership. The EGM must be held within 35 days of the receipt of such letter.

A representative from each Member calling the EGM must attend.

Voting entitlement and quorum requirement shall be the same as for an AGM.

Voting procedure – AGM/EGM

Voting may be by a show of hands or pre-distributed voting cards.

No individual can represent more than one Member.

The Constitution and Rules of the Club may only be altered by a motion put to a General Meeting of the Club and must be passed by two thirds of the voting members present.

Club committee

The committee will consist of the following positions: 

  • Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Membership
  • League secretary
  • Competitions secretary
  • Club Captain

All of whom shall be elected at the AGM to hold office for a period of one year. Additionally a maximum of six General Committee members may be elected.

The committee shall have the power to second on to the committee any person or persons to fulfil a specific role at any time during the year.

The Committee shall have the power to disqualify membership of any Member:

Whose Subscription is overdue provided the member has been given not less than one calendar month’s notice of arrears; or

Where they have behaved in a manner, which is prejudicial to the objectives of the Club, its Members, or in the opinion of the Committee, renders such person unworthy of membership.

Committee meetings are held periodically throughout the year and details of dates, agenda and minutes can be found here.

Indemnification of committee officers

The officers acting on behalf of the Club in their capacities as elected/delegated shall be indemnified by the Club in respect of all losses and proper expenses incurred in the bona-fide execution of their Club duties other than those costs incurred by their own wilful neglect or default. No officer shall be liable for any other person or for joining in any receipt or document, or for any act of conformity, or for any loss or expense caused to the Club except in the case of the like neglect or default.


The club funds will be deposited at Lloyds Bank plc or as otherwise agreed by the committee. 


In the event that dissolution of the club is necessary, then the assets of the club shall be converted into cash in order to discharge any liabilities. Any balance remaining will be split between members who had fully paid their subscription fee at the time of dissolution.

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